1.腦或脊髓水腫、創傷、壓迫 Brain and spinal cord edema, injury, trauma, compression
2.椎間盤赫尼亞發生後或脊椎纖維軟骨栓塞,尤其是深度痛覺喪失者 Post intervertebral disk herniation, fibrocartilage embolus — especially with “no deep pain" sensation
3.胰炎,尤其是胰臟有嚴重水腫及出血者 Pancreatitis — particularly when associated with severe edema and hemorrhage
4.腹腔敗血症、腸道阻塞、胃扭轉後,尤其是併發多重細菌感染者 Abdominal sepsis, bowel obstruction, postgastric dilation volvulus — particularly when associated with mixed bacterial infection
5.膿胸,尤其是土壤絲菌及放線菌感染者 Pyothorax — particularly when associated with Nocardiosis and Actinomycosis
6.創傷性或缺血性休克之後或在任何急性缺氧狀態之後 Post-traumatic or post-ischemic shock (or following any acute hypoxic episodes)
7.心肺復甦術後併發之神經缺損 Postcardiopulmonary resuscitation neurologic impairment
8.急性皮質性失明 Acute cortical blindness
9.創傷或骨科手術之後併發肢體或關節的嚴重發炎及腫脹 Very swollen and inflamed limbs and joints following trauma, orthopedic surgery
10.重度鼻竇炎、敗血性鼻炎 Severe sinusitis, septic rhinitis
11.動脈血栓栓塞 Aortic thromboembolism
12.前庭症候群 Vestibular syndrome
13.疑似中風者 Suspected stroke
14.懷疑有心肌梗塞之心臟病患者 Cardiac disease where eschemia is believed present
15.創傷或重灌流造成心肌受損伴隨之心律不整 Posttraumatic and reperfusion myocardial injury associated with dysrhythmias
16.嚴重的創傷 Severe wounds
17.感染的創傷 Infected wounds
18.慢性胃腸潰瘍 Chronic ulcers(gastrointestinal)
19.慢性延遲性骨癒合 Chronic delayed unions
20.不良複雜性骨折 Bad complex fractures
21.放射線照射後引起的壞死 Postradiation necrosis
22.毒蛇及蜘蛛咬傷 Snake and spider bite