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高壓氧艙治療耳鳴 Linda說耳鳴這件事因擾她很久,甚至到後來聽不到別人講話, 對工作造成極大的影響.看了很多醫生找不出原因. Tinnitus was increasing in my ear throughout the years and through the months until where it hit a peak to where it made it very difficult for me to hear anything to have conversations to even watch a movie I’d have to put it on subtitles or to even interact at my job with customers I made it very difficult to where I would have to apologize all the time. I even went to urgent care I even went to a specialist and they all told me my ears were fine. 這真的很美好能聽到那神奇的聲音,直到我試了高壓氧, 在第一次進艙後我僅能聽到一點點,但我知道那對我有用. 再經過幾次高壓氧治療之後我的聽力得到了很大的改善. 而且我還得到額外的好處就是連我手痛的問題也改善了. 這讓我從懷疑到相信高壓氧的神奇. It’s really nice to be able to hear all the amazing sounds. My first dive that I had it went from even to just rubbing my fingers together near my ears I could actually hear that outside of that I couldn’t hear any further than that so at least I knew that was immediate improvement And after that after a couple of dives I was able to hear even like clicking my fingernails. And a bonus from that I was actually seeing the chiropractor for my wrists for having pain here I had these wrapped and then that was kind of helping and then I noticed that after my third dive that I didn’t have pain and I’m not constantly massaging my hands and so that was a bonus. Honestly I was a skeptic but I was willing to try anything and this by far has been the one thing I’ve noticed that has definitely helped in more ways than one and I’m very thankful for it.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd5CuZX2ih0&feature=youtu.be https://nwprc.com/           more
野生動物急救站為台灣的野生動物醫學中心 Wildlife Rescue and Research Center is the wild animals medicine center in Taiwan. 每年受理逾六百隻野生動物救傷工作,至今收容保種動物超過二千隻 More than 600 wild animals are treated every year, more than 2,000 Conservation animals have been taken care so far . 動物加護病房至高壓氧治療艙一應俱全,提供傷病動物完善治療照顧 Animal intensive care unit and hyperbaric oxygen treatment are all available, providing complete treatment and care for injured and sick animals. 來自範美的高壓氧艙提供救助和治療很多野生動物比如有穿山甲,石虎和多種禽鳥等 The hyperbaric oxygen chamber from PAHI rescues and treats many wild animals, such as pangolins, Leopard Cat and various birds. 野生動物急救站已經是國內最重要的野生動物保育基地之一 Tesheng Wildlife Emergency Station is already one of the most important wildlife conservation bases in Taiwan.     more
八月下旬,勞拉颶風襲擊了德克薩斯州的亞瑟港 颶風造成電力中斷時,便啟動了燃氣發電機為建築物供電。 但是裡面的通風還遠遠不夠。這七個人整夜都在呼吸來自發電機的無味氣體,導致嚴重的一氧化碳中毒。 他們被送往Brooks Army Medical Center使用高壓氧和呼吸器接受治療. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2020/09/25/how-a-military-medical-team-used-a-dive-chamber-to-save-hurricane-victims/?fbclid=IwAR2jxlFkQSIXMyJxV6Lr9rDx49CLwbIu99FZX-fGrrrqY1TC5-yEY9rrlVs   more
Dick Rutkowski是美國使用台灣範美高壓氧艙的先驅   他在(Johnson Space Center)協助創建了NASA中性浮力實驗室,在那裡宇航員在40英尺深的游泳池水中訓練太空行走,並訓練了監視宇航員的潛水員。   在1959年從海軍退役後,他與聯邦環境科學服務管理局的極地行動處簽約了六年,這是美國國家海洋與大氣管理局(NOAA)的前身,在南極和北極工作。 南極洲的冰川以魯特科夫斯基的名字正式命名   http://www.alertdiver.com/DAN-Member-Profile-Dick-Rutkowski?sectionNo=9999&quiz=true more
高壓氧是傷口的救星 範美高壓氧在德州Complex Healthcare   高壓氧可以快速提高體內氧氣濃度並促進新血管生成,使缺氧的不健全組織活化起來,所以能幫助困難傷口的癒合。它也具有抑菌、殺菌、排毒的作用。由於它能在不缺氧的狀況下使血管收縮,所以能幫忙外傷或手術的消腫和復原。 more
  • 呼吸器PAH-V1 Hyperbaric Ventilator
  • 高壓氧艙PAH-S1-3800
  • 高壓氧艙PAH-S1-3200
  • 方型多人輕高壓氧艙PAH-WM
  • 動物高壓氧艙PAH-A1