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高壓氧治療對自閉症有益   佛羅里達州國際兒童發展資源中心的Dan Rossignol博士說,自閉症高壓療法的使用在美國越來越受歡迎。 接受治療的兒童在整體功能,接受語言,社交互動,眼神交流以及感覺或認知意識方面均表現出顯著改善。 總體而言,治療組中80%的患者有改善,而對照組為38%。  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7940149.stm Oxygen therapy benefit in autism Autism is more often diagnosed in boys A decompression chamber may help children with autism, say researchers. After 40 hours of hyperbaric treatment autistic children showed significant improvements in social interaction and eye contact compared with controls. The BMC Pediatrics study could not show if the results were long-lasting but should prompt further investigation of the treatment, the US team said. One theory is that oxygen can help reduce inflammation and improve flow of oxygen to brain tissue. Hyperbaric treatment - effectively giving high concentrations of oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure - has been shown to have some benefit in other neurological conditions such as foetal alcohol syndrome and cerebral palsy.    We're certainly not talking about a cure, we're talking about improvements in behaviour, improving certain functions and quality of life Study leader, Dr Dan Rossignol Some studies have looked at the treatment in children with autism but they have not compared with a dummy procedure raising questions around a "placebo effect". In the latest study, carried out at six centres in the US, 62 children aged two to seven with autism were randomly assigned to receive 40 hours of treatment over a month with 24% oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure (1.3 atm) or normal air in a slightly pressurised room (1.03 atm). Children who received the treatment showed significant improvements in overall functioning, receptive language, social interaction, eye contact, and sensory or cognitive awareness. In all, 30% in the treatment group were rated by doctors as "very much improved" or "much improved" compared with 8% of those in the control group. Overall, 80% in the treatment group improved compared with 38% of controls. Behaviour Study leader, Dr Dan Rossignol from the International Child Development Resource Centre, in Florida, said the use of hyperbaric therapy for autism has been gaining popularity in the US where parents can buy their own hyperbaric chamber if they have a spare $14-17,000. He said the findings would be quite controversial and he too was initially very sceptical of the idea but was prompted to do more research after the treatment showed benefits for his two sons who have autism. "We're certainly not talking about a cure, we're talking about improvements in behaviour, improving certain functions and quality of life. "The next step is to try to find out which kids do respond, because it's an expensive treatment - it may be that kids with more inflammation respond better.    We also don't know about long-term effects - it could be a transitory effect Richard Mills, Research Autism "It would also be nice to know how long the treatment lasts, and the finding needs to be confirmed." Richard Mills, research director at Research Autism, said this was the first well-designed study looking at the therapy. "We know this kind of therapy is useful in a number of neurological conditions and that's been well established. "What we don't know is how useful it is in autism, what we could be seeing is an improvement in other neurological conditions that go alongside autism. "We also don't know about long-term effects - it could be a transitory effect." Professor Philip James, an expert in hyperbaric medicine at the University of Dundee, said the pressure used was no more than that used to pressurise an aircraft cabin on the ground. He added that oxygen was the "controller of inflammation" but also had other effects on regulation of genes and tissue regeneration. But even if proven, the treatment may not be for everybody. "When you have any condition, there are people who have too much damage to get better." "All the oxygen is doing is bringing things towards normal." more
高壓氧治療腦部創傷成效顯著 美國甚至立法高壓氧治療美國退伍軍人PTSD 高壓氧是運動員治療運動傷害的利器 高壓氧可以喚醒中風後的睡眠細胞 高壓氧可以提昇免疫力、殺菌、排毒   美國新聞影片中是台灣範美製造的高壓氧艙 https://wjla.com/news/spotlight-on-america/spotlight-on-america-the-battle-to-help-cure-concussions?fbclid=IwAR0xZ3BWkKGWP-G_8jZyfc7m3956hnaolfcqsAbg6xKCYdACjAiaC2JjAI0 Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions by DUANE POHLMAN, Sinclair Broadcast Group Tuesday, January 28th 2020 AA                           5 VIEW ALL PHOTOS Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions (SBG)   WASHINGTON (SBG) - Legendary linebacker Dave Robinson is at a clinic in Bethesda, Maryland doing something he seldom did as a hall of fame player, laying down. Robinson is taking his first "dive" into a hyperbaric chamber.               Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions             Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions (SBG)   While the FDA approves hyperbaric oxygen treatment, also known as HBOT for 14 conditions, it has yet to approve it for treating brain injuries. 17 peer-reviewed studies have show HBOT can heal injured brains. Dr. Joe Maroon, a neurosurgeon for the Pittsburgh Steelers has also come out in favor of the treatment.   Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions (SBG)   "It reduces inflammation in the body and also helps promote the formation of stem cells that can differentiate into new brain cells." It's an important breakthrough because doctors now say brain injuries are at the center of countless cases of depression and death tied to suicides, including military veterans and professional athletes. Robinson, who helped lead the Green Bay Packers to victories in the first two Super Bowl's was known for his aggressive tackling but took a lot of hits, too. Concussions left Robinson foggy about the games he played in.   Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions (SBG)   "I could talk to you and everything we said tomorrow, I’ll forget most of it." Robinson found out about HBOT at the Pro Football Retired Players Association where he and other hall of famers including Mike Singletary, Mike Haynes, Ron Mix and Billy Joe Dupree are on the board of directors. HBOT experts are on the agenda a lot here, and one of the major issues discussed is how insurance will not pay for treatments at this time.   Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions (SBG)   And like most NFL players who played before 1993, Robinson does not receive enough in his monthly pension to pay for the treatments he needs. Executive Director of the Pro Football Retired Players Association Bob Schmidt is leading a push to get the NFL to provide regional HBOT clinics where current and retired players can help at no cost. But at 78 years old, Robinson says he knows he's racing against the clock.   Spotlight on America: The battle to help cure concussions (SBG)   "I don’t want to get to that point where I don’t’ recognize my friends, don’t know where I am." more
04:102019/11/04  工商時報  張秉鳳   https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20191104000299-260210?from=fb_share_mobile&fbclid=IwAR0Ekp5UT7jhubge0qrsH4J656KQWC-KAw7E80ujTpTehPubU3pgZUmkGbw&chdtv   範美高氧生醫公司為台灣本土高壓氧治療艙專業製造商,多年來在國內外市場已建立高壓氧治療艙優質MIT品牌形象;為滿足現代人養生需求,近年範美公司本著醫療器材的高規格,以及符合國際法規精神推出輕高壓氧艙-養生艙,今年養生艙已成功銷往東南亞地區,深受當地金字塔頂端菁英族群愛用與好評。   成立近二十年的範美高氧生醫公司,多年來一直是美國市場上唯一非美系高壓氧治療艙之國外品牌,美國市場之外,範美自有品牌的高壓氧治療艙也成功銷往多國市場,包括加拿大、菲律賓、馬來西亞等國家,為台灣高壓氧治療艙及相關應用的代表性廠家。 高壓氧治療(Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,HBOT)是將病人置於大於1大氣壓的高壓艙內,給予100%的純氧使病患吸入的一種治療方式。 高壓氧治療的作用有:(1)提高對厭氧性細菌的抵抗力,對於氣壞疽、厭氧性細菌感染、壞死性軟組織感染有一定療效。(2)提高白血球吞噬能力。(3)活化已經在血液循環之中的毒素,同時可以抑制病原體毒素分泌產生。(4)加速傷口癒合,提高纖維母細胞增生,製造膠原蛋白、造骨細胞,形成骨髓,可治療骨髓炎、放射線骨壞死及難癒合之骨折。(5)促使血管收縮,血管收縮後使血流減少,可減少組織水腫;且組織含氧量因高壓氧可提高10~15倍,所以組織亦不會缺氧。(6)血管新生作用,動物研究及臨床觀察確有實效。(7)增加周邊血液幹細胞數目。 現代人常有身體慢性疲勞、疲倦及睡眠不足現象,主因是全身各微小周邊循環與組織,慢性長期缺氧累積氧債與低濃度毒素,以及新陳代謝中的乳酸累積、毒素排除過慢,使人感到疲勞與身體功能不良。高壓氧可使新陳代謝完全,毒素累積減少並加速排除,幫助各細胞、組織與器官的功能發揮,降低慢性疲勞症候群的嚴重性與發生率。 高壓氧治療對於運動傷害也有極佳治療與預防效果,進而提升運動員的訓練成績。若經常使用高壓氧可以降低氧債與毒素累積並活化免疫力,有益於身體長保健康與年輕。 範美根據高壓氧的原理,開發出輕高壓氧之氧生艙,在1.3大氣壓並提高氧氣濃度下,讓一般人也能享受到輕高壓氧帶來的好處;亞健康、慢性疲勞症候群、運動族群也都能藉由輕高壓氧得到改善身體健康的好處。   more
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  • 呼吸器PAH-V1 Hyperbaric Ventilator
  • 高壓氧艙PAH-S1-3800
  • 高壓氧艙PAH-S1-3200
  • 方型多人輕高壓氧艙PAH-WM
  • 動物高壓氧艙PAH-A1
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